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How to Declare Hexadecimals on a PHPDoc Block

For PHP Hexadecimals, Decimals and Octals are all Integers, so they must be declared as @param integer,. This post details how.

Flat Comments in Drupal 8 without Dangerous Secret Threading

Changing the comment settings from threaded to flat in Drupal causes some unexpected, downright dangerous problems. Luckily we helped fix that.

Catch Some Agarics at June Conferences

It's conference season! Come say hi to us. We're everywhere.

Creating Links in Code for Drupal 8

There are plenty of ways—all right, too many ways—to create links when using modern Drupal (Drupal 8 and above, so including so far Drupal 9, Drupal 10, and Drupal 11).  We will share some of those ways in this regularly-updated post.

How to Start Contributing Code to Drupal

Practical advice on contributing code to Drupal.

Unit Testing apparatus for laboratory

Migration from WebTestBase to BrowserTestBase

The UnitTest Initiative is abandoning the Simpletest module. To get up to speed, you'll need to update your functional tests to use BrowserTestBase (BTB) class.

Mr. T as B.A. Baracus kicking open a wide door in the opening credits of the A-Team

Help Kick the Door for New Contributors to Drupal Back Open (and get credit for it)

After years of giving a terrible initial experience to people who want to share their first project on, the Project Applications Process Revamp is a Drupal Association key priority for the first part of 2017.

A forums listing page with a large green button labeled "Add new Forum topic" at the top.

Adding Bootstrap Button Stylings to Drupal 8's Action Links and Node Links

Things did not go according to plan when styling page-level action links (such as "Add new Forum topic").

Redirect a person to another web page - image of arrows.

Redirect Users After Login to the Page They Were Viewing in Drupal 8

Your users will be so happy, they'll send you an Edible Arrangements basket.

Mauricio leading a training

How to Organize Drupal Global Training Days Workshops: Experiences and Lessons Learned

How to organize a Drupal Global Training Day workshop with key lessons learned from the trainings organized in Nicaragua.