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Example config to add HTTP headers and authentication

Adding HTTP request headers and authentication to remote JSON and XML in Drupal migrations

In the previous two blog posts we learned to migrate data from JSON and XML files. To provide this functionality the Migrate API leverages the Guzzle HTTP Client library. Usage requirements and limitations will be presented.

Example configuration of XML source migration

Migrating XML files into Drupal

Today we will learn how to migrate content from a XML file into Drupal using the Migrate Plus module. The example includes node, images, and paragraphs migrations. Let’s get started.

Example configuration of JSON source migration

Migrating JSON files into Drupal

Today we will learn how to migrate content from a JSON file into Drupal using the Migrate Plus module. The example includes node, images, and paragraphs migrations. Let’s get started.

Snippet of CSV file migration YAML.

Migrating CSV files into Drupal

Today we learn how to migrate content from a comma-separated value (CSV) file into Drupal, using the latest version of the Migrate Source CSV module and the CSV PHP library by the PHP League.  We will show how configure the source plugin to read files with or without a header row and also cover stream wrappers.

Example mapping for paragraph reference field.

Introduction to paragraphs migrations in Drupal

Today we will present an introduction to paragraphs migrations in Drupal. The example consists of migrating paragraphs of one type, then connecting the migrated paragraphs to nodes.

Example syntax for date migrations.

Migrating dates into Drupal

Today we will learn how to migrate dates into Drupal. Depending on your field type and configuration, there are various possible combinations. In addition to the examples, a list of things to consider when migrating dates is also presented.

Example field mapping for user migration - part 2.

Migrating users into Drupal - Part 2

Today we complete the user migration example.  This time, we cover creation date, roles, and profile pictures and we are jumping straight to the process transformations in this entry.

Example field mapping for user migration - part 1.

Migrating users into Drupal - Part 1

Today we are going to learn how to migrate users into Drupal. The example code will be explained in two blog posts. In this one, we cover the migration of email, timezone, username, password, and status.

Syntax for multivalue field migration.

Migrating taxonomy terms and multivalue fields in Drupal

This example consists of two separate migrations. One to import taxonomy terms accounting for term hierarchy. And another to import into a multivalue taxonomy term field. Following this approach, any node and taxonomy term created by the migration process will be removed from the system upon rollback.

Snippet of migration dependency definition.

Introduction to migration dependencies in Drupal

One of Drupal’s biggest strengths is its data modeling capabilities. You can break the information that you need to store into individual fields and group them in content types. Today we will learn about migration dependencies in Drupal.