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Drupal 9

A white cassette tape laying in the grass.

How to add an audio player to a content node in Drupal 9

Getting an audio player to show on your content nodes only takes a few steps. However, like many things in Drupal, knowing what those few steps are can be a bit of a challenge. This short guide will provide a basic introduction for anyone looking to use this core functionality on their site.

Old-fashioned half-used colorful red and blue fireworks box, labeled 'Thunder Bomb' with the warning Caution-Explosive in large capitalized letters.

Drupal 9 Component Plugin ContextException "not a valid context" after CTools, Symfony update

Upgrading to CTools 3.10.0 and/or various Symfony upgrades can break the simple task of adding content on your Drupal site.

A cartoon dinosaur trying to plug two cords together but their arms are too short.

Drupal 9.4 installation with existing configuration fails because "unable to uninstall the MySQL module"!?

How to deal with the error "Unable to uninstall the MySQL module because: The module 'MySQL' is providing the database driver 'mysql'.."

Laptop with lock icon.

Create and use a custom permission in your module

You can define your own permissions for the Drupal permissions page (/admin/people/permissions in modern Drupal, Drupal 8, 9, 10, and beyond) and then add conditional options to your code to do different things based on the role of the user and the permissions configured by a site administrator.  See how!


Upgrade from Drupal 6 or 7 when it is right for you: In the era of modern Drupal, release cycles of major versions have only minor importance

Drupal 7 has a much longer lifespan than the (already pushed back) official date, and Drupal 8 has an essentially infinite lifespan because it can update in-place to Drupal 9 easily and the same will be true of Drupal 10, 11, ∞. There's no reason to rush an upgrade— but there's no reason to wait either.

A tree's branches.

Keep modules compatible with multiple Drupal Core branches while using new services

How to keep modules compatible with Drupal 8.7 and below while still using the new services.

Conditional Fields in Paragraphs Using the Javascript States API for modern Drupal

A tutorial on using the Javascript States API for modern Drupal to conditionally hide and show the input elements for image and video conditionally.