Find It
Program Locator and
Event Discovery platform
Find It websites help residents find all that their communities have to offer.
Cities and towns everywhere offer children and adults myriad programs, events, and places for enriching experiences. These activities and services come from various levels and agencies of government—operating schools, libraries, parks, and more—as well as from not-for-profit organizations, civic groups, private educational institutions, and others. However, any given person—say a single parent with three kids—has no time-efficient way of knowing about all of these opportunities.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, took on this problem. No software or website can solve this by itself, but an easily searchable directory with built-in reminders and tools to help keep it up to date makes finding all available opportunities achievable. Developed based on hundreds of hours of research and interviews led by the Cambridge Kids' Council, Find It Cambridge makes it easier for parents and other care-giving adults to find the amazing array of activities, services, and resources that are available for children, youth, and families in Cambridge.
This year, Agaric gave the site a major upgrade and made Find It capabilities freely available for other cities and towns.
If this is of interest to you for your city or region, especially if you work in an afterschool network or are otherwise in the thick of bringing opportunities to children, please get in touch by e-mail, at 1 508 283 3557, or through our contact form!
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