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Learn how to get the most out of Drupal (Drupal 8, 9, and beyond!) from expert practitioners with a passion for teaching.

We have practical experience in developing web sites, migrating content, and running technology projects and we love to learn and to teach. We will impart the knowledge and skills you need to get work done, and done right.

Private Training Options

A teacher standing in front of a blackboard.

Empieza con Drupal

Nos encanta presentar a los principiantes los conceptos básicos de Drupal. Ofrecemos seminarios introductorios cortos para grupos pequeños según demanda para la construcción del sitio, la creación de plantillas y el desarrollo de extensiones. Cada seminario incorpora, cuando corresponde, la arquitectura de la información, las pruebas de experiencia del usuario y las técnicas de liderazgo y colaboración necesarias para que cualquier proyecto que no sea solo sea un éxito.

Desarrolla tus Habilidades

Enseñamos equipos de desarrollo y programadores en solitario en nuestro lugar de trabajo o en el suyo, con el programa adaptado a los problemas que está tratando de resolver. Hemos proporcionado tal capacidad en programación Drupal, temática y plantillas, migración de datos y Backbone.js, pero siempre estamos mejorando nuestras habilidades tecnológicas, así que háganos saber lo que está buscando y es posible que estemos justo delante de Estás en la curva de aprendizaje y listo para tirar una cuerda - y listo para tirar una cuerda.

Inscribirse en un Curso

We offer courses with a defined curriculum on building, theming and developing a site. This is great for intermediate trainings of groups. We also offer decision-maker seminars for leaders who need a better understanding of the technology underlying their projects.

¿Por qué Agaric?

Aprenda Drupal 8 de expertos profesionales, con énfasis en los profesionales: Tenemos la experiencia práctica en el desarrollo de sitios web para impartir las habilidades necesarias para realizar el trabajo y hacerlo bien.

Como desarrolladores, Agaric es conocido por asumir las tareas difíciles cuando colaboramos en equipos más grandes. Estamos encantados de capacitarlo, porque siempre hay algo difícil que querrá contratarnos para hacer. En serio, desde nuestros primeros proyectos hace diez años, nuestro objetivo ha sido hacer que nuestros clientes nos necesiten lo menos posible, para poner todo el poder posible en las manos de nuestros clientes. Es por eso que comenzamos a utilizar los sistemas de administración de contenido en primer lugar, y es una tradición que continuamos desarrollando con Software Libre, escribiendo documentación y brindando capacitación.

Agaric participa activamente en la comunidad Drupal en general y se ha presentado en varios Campamentos Drupal, así como en la organización de Jornadas Mundiales de Capacitación en Nicaragua desde 2013.


Solicitar un Entrenamiento

Interested in Public Trainings?

We do not currently have any public trainings scheduled. If you would like to be notified the next time any of our trainings are being offered, please tell us which ones. By filling out this form, you are also helping us to gage interest so that we will know when the time is right to host!


Training FAQ

Here are some quick answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Agaric trainings.

Can I get a discount when purchasing more than one training?

Yes, a 15% discount is available for additional trainings. Contact Agaric after purchasing your first training to get the information needed to purchase second or third at a discount.

Are scholarships available?

Yes, partial and full scholarships are available! We are prioritizing people facing disadvantages, in particular survivors of historical and ongoing discrimination and people under-represented in technology. Contact Agaric with your circumstances and for more information. Agaric will review your submission internally only— we do not share the information you provide in determining your eligibility for a discount/scholarship with anyone outside Agaric.

What if my corporate employer cannot submit payment for my attendance before the training date? If your company sees the benefit of you getting training from Agaric but the accounts payable department will not be able to accommodate fulfilling payment prior to the training date, please contact us for an invoice due up to 90 days after the training. I'm not sure I meet the prerequsites or will be able to set up a development environment.

Every training includes sessions ahead of time to help everybody get their local development environment set up before the training (if needed). We'll also direct you to other resources helpful for getting up to speed before the training. Contact Agaric to check in with where you are to get our help ensuring you get the full benefit of the training.

Can I cancel and get a refund?

No, we do not offer refunds but tickets are transferable and we'll help you re-sell the ticket, so please contact Agaric if you can't make the training.

Will I receive a recording or other materials?

Yes, all attendees will be sent recordings from the training as well as the curriculum and materials used in the training and additional books or other references and resources.

Will Agaric provide a certificate of completion?

Yes, all students who participate in the full training will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Have more questions? Ask Agaric!