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Drupal Planet

Mauricio leading a training

How to Organize Drupal Global Training Days Workshops: Experiences and Lessons Learned

How to organize a Drupal Global Training Day workshop with key lessons learned from the trainings organized in Nicaragua.

Image of people representing many cultures

Visualizing and Growing Diversity in Software Communities

If you cannot visualize it, chances are you cannot realize or actualize it. How can people build their vision of a diverse community?

Silver Service - full tea service

Moving Towards a Service Oriented Architecture

We helped Zeit Online relaunch their publishing platform by first mapping out the services their system delivers.

Image of short term effects

Working with Long-term Projects

What we've learned on long-term projects to help ensure the tech stack stays current.

"Remaking worker representation" slide in front of full small auditorium

Putting Powerful Platforms under Cooperative Control

Several hundred people gathered to talk about the problems of an online economy reliant on monopoly, extraction, and surveillance—and discuss how to build a "cooperative Internet, built of platforms owned and governed by the people who rely on them."

Indie Web Camp

Marking up Drupal's Blog Posts for the IndieWeb

A brief introduction into the IndieWeb movement and steps to bring your site and blog onto the independent social web, with code for Drupal 7.

Disposable Drupal Installations with Drush

You can easily create a disposable Drupal installation with a few drush commands.

Using Migrations to Provide Default Content

Using Migrate and JSON files we can supply default content as a way to immediately see how the layout will deal with it.

Performant Bulk-Redirection with Apache RewriteMap

Redirect users from an old path to a new path using a handy directive offered in Apache's mod_rewrite called RewriteMap.

Screenshot of Drupal views results.

Altering Views' Results

Override a Drupal Views' result with hook_views_pre_render().